you are the image of your creator!
Ask fifty people to finish the statement "Live As If" and you are likely to get fifty different answers. For Christians it will mean something different than for non-Christians. Incorporated into the top graphic are the answers given by friends of mine. It is our desire that your answer will be different each time you visit.
Fighting Like a Girl
'The Way' from Kevin Pauley
…Be earnest and disciplined in your prayers…Pray at all times and on every occasion in the power of the Holy Spirit. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all Christians everywhere. 1 Peter 4:7; Ephesians 6:18
Most girls, when they fight, flail away wildly – hair falling in their eyes, eyes closed, they swing with great energy, but with little accomplishment. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen some phenomenal female warriors, but most girls fight like – well, girls!
We Christians are often guilty
Comfort in Penitence V (12-1-10)
'Today's Little Lift' from Jim Bullington
Loneliness bites the soul like frost degrades and scars the flesh. It is insidious in that it usually comes so gradually that it is unnoticed. Without warning, changes in our lives can be so subtle as to be unnoticed for the moment, but literally wreak havoc over the long haul. As a nation, Israel had gradually drifted away from the source of all real comfort, the Lord God Almighty. Like we do as individuals at times, they were suffering from extreme loneliness in a crowded world! Nothing can be worse than acute loneliness; cries that originate in the lonely heart are cries that indelibly
Thank You For the Variety and Colour Flowing From Your Holy Word
'Word from Scotland' from Sandy Shaw
There is such a contrasting picture in Psalm 92. We looked at the first seven verses, and as we read on, we learn that the wicked are likened to perishing grass – and the righteous are like flourishing trees.
Grass is the picture of anything which is short lived - and in the land where these
Poverty of values
'Refreshment in Refuge' from Gina Burgess
I generally try to keep my blog posts and my columns different especially recent posts. Although, I plagairize myself all the time by reaching back into archives and reposting for greater exposure. But today, I'm posting something from my blog that has very current ramifications in light of the Zimmerman case, and the three thugs that beat up the boy on the bus because he wouldn't buy drugs from them. Poverty of values is not my phrase but comes from Dan Quayle. You remember him don't you?
I know there are thousands of people who remember Dan Quayle as vice president, and most
The Architect and the Builder
'Voice of Inspiration' from Andy Castro
Architect: One who designs and supervises the construction of buildings or other large structures.
Builder: One who builds; one who develops or gives form to according to a plan or process; create.
Many years ago (more than I want to admit) I was in the construction business: block laying, carpentry, superintendent, but was mainly in the residential concrete business. When working in all phases of construction, you have to be able to read blueprints. If you can’t read and understand them, you will fail to correctly do your job. In turn, your work may not pass inspection
Desire To Witness
''Christ in You...'' from Dale Krebbs
When we believe deeply that which has turned our lives in surrender to Jesus Christ, it is natural to desire to tell others what has happen to us. Some want to tell the whole world if possible what God has done for them by Jesus Christ. The desire is commendable and not wrong. The desire is not wrong, but the same thing you have experienced may be or become dangerous knowledge for someone else. As in many endeavors, timing can be everything. Personal witnessing has been effective for some, but very ineffective for others. For those, the witness may be dangerous knowledge. Those
Easter Wonders
'Inspiration For You' from Randy Mitchell
The day that Jesus arose after being nailed to a wooden cross, crucified til death, and giving the world a promise of everlasting life is the most significant worldly event to ever happen. It's what gives believer's hope, reasons to not fear death, and a peace inside that says, "yes" there is another life after this one comes to an end. It's an inner peace which millions carry with them, knowing that when their day of crossover finally happens there will be an outstretched hand immediately grasping theirs, welcoming them to the streets of gold.
I love the sights
Bible and Quote - September 21-25
'Bible verse and quote' from Jan Couns
Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him. Psalm 2:12b
Whether it be a Noah who is to build a ship on dry land, an Abraham who is to offer up his only son, or a Moses who is to despise the treasures of Egypt, or a Joshua who is to besiege Jericho seven days, using no weapons but the blasts of rams' horns, they all act upon God's command, contrary to the dictates of carnal reason; and the Lord gives them a rich reward as the result of their obedient faith. Charles Haddon Spurgeon, 1834-92, British Reformed Baptist, highly influential amongst Christians of different denominations
Demons in Our Lives
'God's Words For US' from Cecelia Lester
A friend is the pastoral assistant at our church. From time to time, she preaches in place of our senior pastor. She had to preach at our Son rise Service on Easter Sunday. In her planning she got to thinking about Mary Magdalene.
When we think about this Mary, we hone in on the fact that Jesus healed her from seven demons. We don’t know what those were. We do know she appreciated the healing she received to the point she followed the Master as he taught and healed others.
My friend wondered if we who live in the 21Century have demons controlling our
Careful Drivers
'Chip Shots from the Ruff of Life' from Tom Kelley
I spend a lot of time on the road as a preacher. It takes time to make the distance between people's homes and the occasional hospital in which they might be receiving care. As such I am often on the local interstate highway, I-75. I-75 dissects the state in its run from Detroit to the Gulf Coast of Florida. Almost every day a traveler can see cars from Canada (usually Ontario) as well as Florida and many other states in between.
While traveling North on I-75 the other day I was approaching a vehicle that was stalled on the shoulder. It was parked fairly close to the right
Merry ChristMyths
''Winging It' from Stan Smith
We all know that Christmas, like many other holidays, is shrouded in myths. There is the Santa Claus myth with the whole North Pole, flying reindeer, and elves thing thrown in, the Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer myth, the myths surrounding Christmas trees (Were they of pagan origin or of Christian origin? Whichever is true, the other is myth.), and even the complaint of Christians that "XMas" is sacrilegious. (For those wondering, the "X" comes from the Greek -- remember those IXOYE fish stickers? -- for Christ and, thus, is a valid representation of Christmas.)
I love little children. My wife says its because we're on the same mental level. I remind her that it's not nice to insult little children that way. Little children can ask the most womderful questions and do so with an honesty and curiosity that is refreshing. Plus, they can keep you on your toes. Take the instance of little Peyton this past Sunday morning.When Peyton and his family came in and sat down I went back to greet them.
Daily Refractions
Words to Ponder
If you are too busy to pray, you are too busy. - D.A. Carson (20th century)
'Daily Reading Plan'
Bible-in-a-Year NAS
Genesis 44; Psalms 35; Luke 24:13-53:
"And put my cup, the silver cup, in the opening of the sack of the youngest, and his money for the grain." And he did as Joseph had told him. As soon as it was light, the men were sent away, they with their donkeys. They had just left the city, and were not far away, when Joseph said to his house steward, "Up, follow the men; and when you overtake them, say to them, 'Why have you repaid evil for good? 'Is this not